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Round Table Layout: One Arrow, Eight Stars, and Two Ding Launched Successfully
Time:2022-05-07 14:12:52Source:Anlpsorder

Recently, China successfully launched eight satellites, including the Jilin-1 Wide Range 01C satellite and the Jilin-1 High Resolution 03D satellite, into space using the Long March-2D carrier rocket at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The main star successfully entered its designated orbit and the launch mission was a complete success.

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Recently, the Long March-2D carrier rocket ignited and took off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, successfully sending 8 satellites, including the Jilin-1 Wide 01C satellite, into the designated orbit. The launch mission was a complete success.

This mission is the 419th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets. The Long March-2D carrier rocket, which carries out launch missions, is a room temperature liquid two-stage carrier rocket developed by the Eighth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. It has the characteristics of high reliability, high safety, low cost, and short cycle launch, and has the ability to launch various types of satellites with different orbital requirements. It can be launched as a single satellite or multiple satellites. In this launch mission, the rocket will use&quo; Round Table Style; Cleverly layout, lift the center of gravity of the main payload satellite, and through 3D design, human-machine simulation operation, digital calibration and other processes, place the 7 small satellites carried and launched on the disc, making the most of the rocket's carrying capacity.

It is understood that this mission is the first launch of the Long March 2D carrier rocket in the Year of the Tiger. This mission aims to optimize the testing and launch process, unify the status of products on the arrow, and further improve the efficiency of production support and launch site work. It is understood that the Jilin-1 wide 01C satellite is mainly used to provide commercial remote sensing data services for industries such as land resources, mineral development, and smart city construction.

After the 8 satellites launched this time are put into orbit, they will be networked with 46 Jilin 1 satellites in orbit. At this point, the number of in orbit satellites of Jilin-1 has increased to 54, enabling daily 17 satellites to reach any location around the world; 20 revisits to provide richer remote sensing data and product services for fields such as agriculture, forestry, ocean, resources, environmental protection, urban construction, and scientific experimentation.

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